Two new members join Alton Centennial Rotary.
The Alton Centennial Rotary - Alton, Barnstead, and New Durham, inducted two new members
at its regular Thursday AM Meeting 9 / 28 / 17. Shown left to right-Club President, Richard Leonard, who sponsored membership for Gabe Varney (second from left), David Bloser membership chair, and new member Jeffrey Drew, sponsored by George Feeney (right). Rotary is a nonreligious, non-political and nonprofit service organization of men and women dedicated to service above self. Its objective is to save and improve lives both locally and globally by raising funds and the members contributing their time and talent to build a more just and peaceful world. Rotary meets every Thursday at the Alton Senior and Community Center, 7 Pearson Rd. at 7:00 AM for breakfast and fellowship.
For information on joining, contact David Bloser @ 875-6905, or email:
Written by Duane Hammond/Photo Credit Matthew Fassett